We ask that you consider the countless intangible benefits derived from horsemanship experiences. We are determined to provide a means for children and adults to encounter horses so that they will have the opportunity to ride and learn about horsemanship. We are extremely thankful for partners like you that ensure that riding, driving, and caring for horses is an integral part of our community and the Mackinac experience.
We appreciate your contribution. Regardless of the amount, your gift to the MHA will be of great benefit to the Mackinac community and visitors.
The Mackinac Horsemen’s Association is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation, whether financial or in-kind, is tax deductible to the extent that the law allows. Thank you for your support!

Mackinac Island Community Foundation
Mackinac Community Equestrian Center Fund
You may also donate through the Mackinac Island Community Foundation.
Learn more about the MCEC Fund and donate through their website.
Thank you to our Members, Donors & Sponsors...
We would not be where we are without you! Thank you for your continued support.
Paul & Maryanke Alexander
Susan C. Allen
Amazon Smile
Diane & Butch Babcock
Brian & Jeri-Lynn Bailey
John & Penny Barr
Sue Bellinger
Judie Bennett
Larry & Kay Berke
Judith Bishop
Albert & Diane Boyce
Joe & Diane Brandonisio
Dennis & Cynthia Cawthorne
City of Mackinac Island
Bob Clogg
Gary & Martha Cousino
Kimberly A. Crane
Stephanie Crane
Maeve Croghan
Melissa Croghan
Ashley Day
Jack & Marge Day
Olivia Deetzman
Jack Dehring
Jeff & Christi Dupre
Cindy Edema
Deb Egan
Kelli J. Elrod
Douglas Fairbanks
David & Kris Faulk
Carol Fradette
Don & Nancy Gaines
Elizabeth Gierman
Ginop Sales, Inc.
George & Judith Goodman
Jim Groat
Joseph & Sharon Growney
Matt & Tracy Growney
John & Joanne Gully
Jennifer Gurman
Thom Hadfield
Steve & Jane Hall
Stephen & Mary Anne Harper
Greg & Margo Hessler
Monica Hessler
Donald Hinman
Kelly Huessner
Bart & Nina Huthwaite
Cindy Idema
Ryan & Amy Irish
Island Electric
Frank Kelley
Nancy & Larry Keogh
Matt & Jennifer Kipper
David & Ann Levy
Tom & Annie Lockwood
Ursula Long
Long Law Office, PA
Mackinac Island Carriage Tours
Mackinac Island Comm. Foundation
Mackinac Island Cottager's Assoc.
Mackinac Island D.P.W.
Mackinac Island Service Co.
Mackinac State Historic Parks
Richard & Jane Manoogian Foundation
Abby Martin
Sean & Heather Martin
Tom & Sheri McCurley
Stephanie McGreevy
Erin McKay
Timothy & Nancy McKay
Patrick & Stephanie McManus
Lori S. Minka
Rachel Misentzis
Ron & Patty Morden
Ben Mosley
Katie & Matt Novakoski
Karen O'Dell
Shaylyn O'Keefe
Chuck & Karen Olson
Debra Orr
Sandra Orr
Billie Pellerito
Lisa Brock & Pete Pellerito
Chuck & Katie Pereny
Phillips Family
Sherri & Tim Plutchak
Phil & Val Porter
Cheryl Putnam
Charles & Cordie Puttkammer
Nancy Puttkammer
Kathryn L. Rado
Robert & Susan Raisch
Sharon & Kevin Ramon
Doug & Carol Rearick
Cheryl Rice
Larry & Kathleen Rickley
Steve & Julie Rilenge
Jim Cretcher & Judy Robinson
Tim & Martha Shea
Shepler's Ferry
David & Lin Sheppard
Larry Siefken
Sandra Simmons
Ginny Smoot
Robert & Loretta Spitzer
Jane St. Onge
Edmund & Linda Sternberg
Randy & Michelle Stuck
Bart & Laurie Stupak
In Memory of Harriet Terwilliger
Clayton Timmons
Marta Amelia Timmons
Sherry Veilie
Peeranut Visetsuth
Tim & Karen Waite
Lauren & Vic Walsh/Radecki
Lauren Watson
Wawashkamo Golf Course
Jamie & Kristen Wildman
Carrie Will
Jane Winston
Jan Wylie
James Yates
Michael & Wendy Young
And anyone else who lent a hand, said a kind word, recommended a program, or supported Mackinac Horsemen’s Association in some other way.